When I first saw this new invention I was amazed. I can't believe this invention has been made so recent you would expect something like this be in twenty years or so. When I was watching this video I didn't think I was going to watch something like this. I for sure want something like this because its the new type of technology and its really cool. This is something that has not been seen, it just came out from no where. This is something that you can use physically and with other objects. This is going to be world famous and the newest hit.
With this technology you can use anything to write, draw, view with. You can play a game like race cars in a normal paper because of its projectors and sensors. You can use your fingers to do anything with is and it has a sensor with a projector so it knows what to do. One of the coolest things is that you can take pictures with it whenever and wherever you are. This technology combines with your fingers and then the projector on your chest and the sensor just below it. You can then plug it in your computer and see what you did and import it to your PC. You can copy paste it to the projector and then it projects it wherever you want like in a paper. This is why it is really cool.
The are going to make it an open source. Open source means that is free and it can be modified. The bad thing is that people can then copy this invention, make it better, sell it and then buy the name. But we can trust them if they know how to control it. The good thing about it is that people can tell them if there's a problem in it or they can add something to it and make it better. This is the new cool thing that everybody will have aces to it. Well this is one of the inventions and would make the world better because you can trouble with it.
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